2018 UK‑Japan Young Scientists Workshops

Students and staff at the 2018 Cambridge workshop

In 2018, the UK‑Japan Young Scientists workshops were hosted at Cambridge University, England and Tohoku University, Japan.


[PDF] 2018 UK‑Japan Young Scientists Programme Summary Report

[PDF] Cambridge Workshop Presentation Programme

[PDF] Tohoku Workshop Programme

[PDF] Tohoku Workshop Project Descriptions


My experience with maths has only ever been classroom based. I learn the information so I can pass the exam and don't tend to ever think about the real world uses of it. The workshop was able to link the learning of knowledge with an actual application of it in a balanced way. It has changed my views about engineering. Before the workshop I always thought progress in engineering was pioneered by a single person making discoveries on their own, as all of the discoveries I've been taught about highlight the efforts of a single person. Taking part in this has made me realise that it's actually a global effort, where teams of researchers all over the world chip away at different problems which gradually furthers the knowledge of the whole field. The atmosphere seems to be very collaborative.

a student who took part in the Jet Engine Compressor Blade Design project in the Cambridge workshop

My peers and I have scheduled several assemblies inspired by your programme, such as the topic of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. We have also arranged an open club to share Japanese culture and work on the 1000 paper crane project in commemoration for lives lost due to radiation. We are very excited to share our experiences with our school and look forward to taking part in your programme for the coming years.

a UK student following the Cambridge workshop

From UK students on the return flight from Japan:

My time here has changed my perspective on life and what it holds for me. This trip has in all honesty opened my eyes to new paradigms that I didn’t know existed and has invigorated me with new hope for the future.
For the past seven days I have not only learnt to interact with people who have the same passion and interest as me through the universal language of science, but I have learnt that human interaction is the leading element to great ideas and practice. This unique experience will never be forgotten because it really has triggered a spark in not only me, but the rest of the group too.
The UK-Japan Young Scientists Workshop has been one of the most surreal experiences I have ever been a part of. Not only did it broaden my understanding in areas of science from geology to social science, but I was able to explore a new culture… I got to meet wonderful and friendly people. Although at first there was a language barrier, as days passed through laughter and many cultural exchanges, we were able to create and flourish friendships. If there is anything this trip has taught me it’s that by stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing new things, I will always come out more insightful and broad minded. This is a lesson that cannot be learnt in the classroom.


We thank the following for kindly supporting the 2018 UK‑Japan Young Scientists workshops.

Participating Schools

